Printing Solutions

We offer a complex arrangement of print solutions from printing devices and supplies delivery to service. We offer cost monitoring including access rights management to printing functions of individual employees or departments.

Servers, Networks

In APEKO GROUP data infrastructure is carried out from a design to realization of the project. Usually it consists of cable routes (metal or optic) and wireless links. Delivery of passive and active components such as servers, routers, firewalls or vpn gateways are integrated in the job.


Barcode systems identify, localize and trace goods, proprieties, transactions and people. Usually we carry out these systems in companies that deal in warehousing, logistics, manufacturing or wholesale and retail sale. We also supply medical and educational institutions as well as state and self-government authorities with inventory systems and personnel register systems. These systems are based on barcodes or RFID (radio frequency identification).

Software solutions

Software development used to support printing solutions, barcode solutions and networks. The change of the market and demand for different services underpinned this important segment of APEKO GROUP portfolio and set aside SW development, localization or user platforms customization as an independent unit.

Smart Home Chytrá domácnost podle APEKO přináší našim zákazníkům fungující ucelený systém, který zásadním způsobem zvyšuje komfort ovládání běžných agend v domě, přináší oproštění od rutinních nudných činností, přehled nad stavem celé domácnosti, úsporu času a energií. Námi podporovaný systém LOXONE je systém pro ovládání a správu vytápění, osvětlení, stínění, regulace teploty, ventilaci a rekuperaci, zabezpečení a alarm, audio, přístupového systémy, fungování bazénu nebo sauny, fotovoltaiky, e-mobility.
Other Services

APEKO GROUP provides other complex services in the field of IT outsourcinghouse alarmswarehousing and logistics as well.


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