Servers, Networks
In APEKO GROUP data infrastructure is carried out from a design to realization of the project. Usually it consists of cable routes (metal or optic) and wireless links. Delivery of passive and active components such as servers, routers, firewalls or vpn gateways are integrated in the job.
We also offer various post-implementation services like monitoring, administration and technical support including the training of administrators or users in connection with particular needs of our costumer.
In this branch we mostly focus on implementation of open source projects, which brings a robust tailored solution for customer with a positive impact on the final price. We implement mostly these projects: Zimbra Collaboration Suite, Funambol, vTiger, Ubuntu, ClearOS, KVM, AjaXplorer, OpenMedia Vault and many more.
List of solutions and services:
- Design, realization, network management and certification
- Metal, optical and wireless network
- Server platforms, routers
- Company servers
- Virtual serversGroupware severs
- Print servers
- Special projects

Vojenska 489, CZ 330 21 Line
Reg. ID: 27999611
tel./fax: +420 377 911 311