
Print Services

Apart from print devices delivery, complex printing solutions and service provisioning, we offer print services, too.

Customized print outsourcing means that our customers:

  • save time when they prepare more demanding and extensive print jobs for example completing booklet without specialized printer is time and money consuming matter
  • save money when a higher duty cycle device, larger format or specialized device is needed. For instance full color A3 printing might be quite rare need in a company so buying an expensive printer is not reasonable. That’s why print outsourcing at APEKO GROUP is more economical.

List of offered print services:

  • Print jobs preparation
  • Customized print jobs processing
  • Photocopying, scanning
  • Documents finishing (completing, punching, stapling, sewing into booklets, laminating)
  • Mailing and distribution of documents (electronic, paper or other form)